Slingshot Bikini 「まみ」ビキニ Original 3D model Unitypackage
- ダウンロード商品NONCOMMERCIAL ( 同じ )¥ 700
- ダウンロード商品You & 1 Friend License (noncommercial)¥ 1,400
All assets made from scratch by Hanaechu. ・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. Items included in the package ・Bikini FBX ・Textures, masks, normalmaps etc. ・Pink and black version included. ・Rigged version. Shapekeys (16): ・Shapekeys for different breast shapes. ( Realistic, Rocket, Bigger, normal ) ・Flashing nip R ・Flashing nip L ・Flashing both ・flash hairs ・shapekey for cheerleader outfit and lingerie/garter ・slingshot to middle ・flash pus** ・Butt size ・Tummy slider ・Erect Nips GORE OK. Modifying for private usage is okay. ご質問やご相談、不具合の報告、違反報告の際は For questions, consultations, bug reports, and violation reports: Twitter: @Hanaexotwod 1 materials total Outfit 714 tris total 1 meshes Notice: This is the outfit only, you need to be capable of rigging this yourself to your model in Blender or a similar 3D software. If you want your friend to rig this for you, you may purchase a Friendship Package license If you want to commission someone to rig this for you, you may purchase the Commercial license. -This will not make you toggles for the outfit automatically, you need to make them yourself. Not included in the package: Base model ( Mami ) Avatar Tools Plugin: Poiyomi Shader
What you need:
Avatar Tools: Mami Base model:
VN3ライセンスを使用しております。 規約の内容は次のページをご覧ください。 We are using VN3 license. Please see the next page for the terms and conditions. ・Scroll down in the PDF for english.